Andrei Ustinov

Muzykalnoye obozrenie national newspaper

Musicologist, journalist, critic, publisher, musical and public figure

Initiator, supervisor, art director and producer of festival, concert, exhibition, competition and composition projects, including All-Russian festivals Muzykalnoye obozrenie — 15 (2004); Muzykalnoye obozrenie — 20 (2009); Muzykalnoye obozrenie — 25 (2014); The Kruzheva Festival in Vologda, the Balakirev piano competition Russian Music and others; Moscow Philharmonic subscriptions: “Person: Composer”, “Music of War and Victory. The Stalin Prizes. Chamber Music of 1940-45” and others; Days of Muzykalnoye obozrenie national newspaper in more than 20 Russian cities; collaboration composition opuses “Ten Views on the Ten Commandments” and “Dedication. To the 100th Anniversary of Dmitri Shostakovich”; the composition project “Vologda Laces” commissioned by The Kruzheva Festival.

Supervisor of the exhibition A Window to the World Can Be Closed with a Newspaper at the Glinka Museum of Musical Culture (2014 To the 25th anniversary of Muzykalnoye obozrenie)
Author and publisher of the album Territory of Music. Inventions I, II (2009) and of the photo album Instrumentarium (2014).
Exhibitions of Ustinov’s art works Territory of Music. Inventions I, II, III have taken place in more than 20 Russian cities, from Vologda to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski.

Supervisor of the projects Moisey Weinberg. The Passenger. Russian Staged Premiere (premiered on 15 September, 2016 at the Ekaterinburg State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre) and Moisey Weinberg. Return (February, 2017, Moscow).
Chairman of the Board of the Association of Directors of Musical Competitions
Merited Arts Worker of Russia
Honorary Worker of the Union of Russian Composers
Laureate of the Shostakovich Prize of the Union of Russian Composers
Commander of the state and public awards of Russia and Poland.

Andrei Shishkin

Ekaterinburg Opera and Ballet Theatre

Born in Ufa in 1959. In 1983, he graduated from the Ufa Aviation Institute majoring in Economics and Organization of the Machinery-Building Industry.
1982-85: engineer, manager of the planning and accounting department, Ufa engine-building production association.
1985-89: chief accountant, State Academic Russian Drama Theatre of the Bashkortostan Republic
1989-90: director, Kostroma Regional Drama Theatre named after A.Ostrovsky.
1990-92: chief accountant, Deputy Minister of Culture, Ministry of Culture and National Politics of the Bashkortostan Republic.
1993-97: chairman of the board of founders, Zero, Ltd.
1998-2001: director, State Academic Russian Drama Theatre of the Bashkortostan Republic.
2001-2006: general director, State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre of the Bashkortostan Republic.
Since July, 2006: director, Ekaterinburg State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre.
Merited Cultural Worker of the Russian Federation.
Merited Cultural Worker of the Bashkortostan Republic.


Aleksander Laskowski
Musicologist and journalist
Born in 1976, Laskowski was Press Office Director for the 2010 Chopin Year, the 15th International Chopin Competition in Warsaw (2010) and the 14th International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow (2011). Presenter of the radio programs Opera Nights and Tematy przewodnie (Themes) at PR2 (Polish Radio Program 2), he has translated a number of books, including The Rest Is Noise by Alex Ross. The year 2013 saw the appearance of his book Skrywany wulkan (Hidden Volcano) published by Polish Music Publishers PWM. The book contains Aleksander Laskowski’s interviews with four world’s leading conductors about Polish composer Witold Lutosławski. His next book, Si, Amore, is a collection of his talks with Aleksandra Kurzak, the most famous Polish opera singer. At the Adam Mickiewicz Institute Laskowski is in charge of the contacts with the world media and of the preparation of Radio Orpheus Hosting the Adam Mickiewicz Institute weekly programs aimed to promote Polish music in Russia.